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Visit to the Louvre Museum

Paris is home to a myriad of museums, including the world’s most visited: the Louvre. With its prolific collections of no fewer than 380,000 pieces, it is an absolute must-see.

The famous museum is packed with masterpieces from all over the world. These include the “Victory of Samothrace” and the “Venus de Milo”. The galleries feature extraordinary collections of European paintings from the 12th to the 19th century: Vermeer’s delicate “Lacemaker”, Rembrandt’s “Bathsheba”, not forgetting his “Pilgrims to Emmaus”… There’s no doubt that you’re in for a treat as you wander down the various aisles,

Admire the crown jewels of the French monarchy, take a selfie with the Mona Lisa and marvel at the plethora of works of art in the galleries. The German school, with H. Holbein or L. Cranach, and the English school, with T. Gainsborough, or the landscapes of J.M.W. Turner, are represented. The Spanish collection is just as fabulous, with paintings by Greco, Goya and Ribera…

Select points

A must-see Parisian museum
Guided tours available

Price list

From €17


Fast access to the Louvre Museum (guaranteed access within 30 minutes), the museum’s permanent collection, temporary exhibitions (subject to availability) and the Eugène Delacroix Museum.

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