Exhibition on intimacy, from the bedroom to social networks

Exposition l’intime

The Musée des Arts Décoratifs in Paris explores intimacy through the ages with the exhibition “L’intime, de la chambre aux réseaux sociaux”.

The Musée des Arts Décoratifs offers a fascinating insight into the evolution of intimacy with the exhibition “L’intime, de la chambre aux réseaux sociaux”. On view until January 2025, this exhibition explores the transformations of intimate space, from the private sphere to the digital age.

From bedroom to public showcase

The exhibition traces the changes in the notion of intimacy over the centuries. From private bedrooms to social platforms, intimacy has become a public showcase. The space once reserved for oneself is now exposed through screens, transforming the bedroom into a place of virtual creation.

Visitors will discover works of art, objects and interactive installations. They reveal how our private spaces have evolved, influenced by technological advances and social norms. The exhibition shows how the bedroom, once a secret refuge, is becoming a connected and shared place.

Intimacy in the digital age

© C. Toraldo di Francia

With social networking, intimacy is being reinvented. Bedrooms have become places of expression, where people share fragments of their lives. ” L’intime, de la chambre aux réseaux sociaux” (Intimacy, from the bedroom to social networks) questions this voluntary exposure of the self, between the desire for connection and the loss of privacy.

The contemporary artists featured in the exhibition highlight this phenomenon. Innovative installations allow visitors to interact with digital intimacy, reflecting the tensions between the need to exist online and the safeguarding of the private sphere.

A captivating journey

This unique exhibition in the heart of Paris offers a profound reflection on the evolution of intimacy. Art lovers and the curious alike will be captivated by the diversity of the works presented. Photographs, videos and interactive installations tell the story of intimacy, from its beginnings in the bedrooms of aristocratic mansions to publications on Instagram and TikTok.

L’intime, de la chambre aux réseaux sociaux” is a not-to-be-missed cultural event in Paris. It invites us to reflect on our relationship with intimacy in an ultra-connected society.

Musée des Arts décoratifs – 107, rue de Rivoli 75001 Paris

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