Galeries Lafayette celebrates its 130th anniversary with a unique event under the French Dome

To celebrate its 130th anniversary, Galeries Lafayette is marking a historic turning point with a series of unique events.

From September 21 to October 1, Galeries Lafayette is offering a unique sensory adventure at the heart of its iconic space. A symbol of Parisian fashion and French savoir-vivre, this department store invites all enthusiasts to take part in unique experiences, including “La Table d’Anniversaire”. A free and exclusive culinary celebration under its famous Art Nouveau dome.

Under the Coupole, an elevated table will be set up to offer participants a breathtaking view of the historic department store. This exceptional setting will host 5 daily tasting sessions. Here, guests can savor exceptional dishes, accompanied by champagne. Lunches, aerial snacks and summit dinners are on the program. Each moment is designed to sublimate taste pairings in a breathtaking setting!

How to take part in “La Table d’Anniversaire”?

Galeries Lafayette

The event is open to all, but registration is via a prize draw. To enter, simply complete the online form. Winners will be selected at random and asked to provide their bank imprint to guarantee their attendance at both lunch and dinner sessions. No money will be deducted, except in the event of cancellation less than 48 hours before the session or absence. So don’t miss this unique opportunity to experience a privileged moment in an exceptional setting. Sign up now for your chance to be one of the lucky few and celebrate 130 years of fashion and elegance under the Galeries Lafayette dome!

Galeries Lafayette Haussmann – 40 Bd Haussmann, 75009 Paris

See also: Galeries Lafayette Paris Haussmann welcomes you for original tours

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