Jodie Foster: A poignant speech to the French President

At the ceremony marking the anniversary of the Liberation of Paris, American actress Jodie Foster gave a powerful and moving speech. Capturing the attention of the President of the Republic and all present.

Jodie Foster, a world-renowned actress, has never hidden her love of Paris. This special bond with the French capital was further strengthened at the Liberation of Paris ceremony. Where she delivered a powerful and inspiring message.

Jodie Foster’s speech was a highlight of the ceremony. She emphasized the importance of freedom, not only as a historical legacy, but also as a perpetual struggle. “Freedom is fragile, and we must defend it every day, here in Paris, as elsewhere,” she declared passionately. These words, addressed directly to the President of the Republic, resonate particularly at this time. Where democratic values are often put to the test.

An intimate link with Paris

Isa Harsin / Pool/ABACA

It’s interesting to note that Jodie Foster is not only a figure of international cinema. She’s also a Parisian at heart. Having spent part of her childhood in Paris, she speaks fluent French and considers the city a second home. This intimate bond is reflected in her words and in her commitment to supporting the republican values that France holds dear.

The Liberation of Paris ceremony is an annual event commemorating the liberation of the French capital from the occupying forces in 1944. This year, the presence of Jodie Foster gave the event an international dimension. Reminding us all of the importance of never forgetting the sacrifice of those who fought for freedom.

A universal message

Isa Harsin / Pool / Bestimage / Isa Harsin / Pool / Bestimage

Jodie Foster’s speech also reiterated the importance of unity and solidarity in the face of contemporary challenges. ” We are all responsible for the future of our freedoms,” she asserted, stressing that the battles for justice and equality are never over.

For Parisians and French people in general, this speech has been a source of inspiration, reinforcing their commitment to protecting republican values. Jodie Foster’s message, though delivered at a special ceremony in Paris, resonates around the world.

In conclusion, Jodie Foster’s presence at the ceremony was not merely symbolic. Her speech to the President of the Republic reminded us all that freedom is a value to be cherished and defended every day. A reminder that Paris, city of light and freedom, continues to inspire the world.

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