How to behave in a Michelin-starred restaurant

Would you like to impress the waiters, the chef or even your date during a romantic dinner? Paris Select reveals 5 tips on how to behave in a Michelin-starred restaurant!

Don’t play the Michelin inspector in public

Avoid becoming an amateur food critic as soon as you arrive. Yes, there’s no need to create a questionnaire worthy of the Michelin Guide inspectors! Instead, focus on a few essential details: make sure the bread is crusty, the wine list offers organic options and the waiters seem relaxed enough to put up with your detailed order. A smile and a well-placed compliment can often work wonders!

But you can still pass yourself off as a food critic (just a little).

To discreetly impress the waiter, confidently ask where the radishes come from, how to cook a dish or demand a table with a view of the open kitchen. Subtly ignore his wine recommendations and order a dish with an absurd modification. You’ll look like a real food critic on a mission. But even critics have to pay the bill!

behaving in a Michelin-starred restaurant

If you want to behave well in a Michelin-starred restaurant, forget all the clichés about wine!

“It’s long in the mouth” ? No, thank you! If you want to impress the establishment’s sommelier, talk more about length or the return of aromas. Don’t count the caudalies out loud, it’ll smell like a neophyte. A simple“This wine has good persistence” will do the trick and save you from looking like an amateur.

Don’t turn the culinary experience into a photo shoot

You’re here to enjoy a meal, not to organize a photo shoot! Leave your camera and phone in your pocket and enjoy the dishes in front of you. Nothing annoys the staff and your fellow diners more than someone who spends several minutes trying to get the perfect shot of their plate. So savor the moment and let your taste buds memorize the experience. After all, the best memory of a good meal is the one you keep in your mouth, not on Instagram .

Put down the phone and enjoy the moment

Nothing kills the ambiance of a Michelin-starred dinner like a telephone on the table. It’s like putting your elbows on the table, which is totally inappropriate. This gesture is the key to good behavior in a Michelin-starred restaurant. Focus on the moment, the flavours and your company. If your phone vibrates, ignore it with dignity. After all, business can wait!

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