Virginie Efira to play Gisèle Halimi on the big screen

In 2025, Virginie Efira will play Gisèle Halimi in the film Hors la loi. Ufilm adaptation of the famous Bobigny trial. A powerful role for an emblematic figure of feminism.
Gisèle Halimi: a fighting lawyer
Gisèle Halimi was a tireless lawyer and activist. Today, she remains one of the leading figures in the fight for women’s rights. Known for her determination and commitment, she made history by defending the young Marie-Claire Chevalier in 1972. Marie-Claire Chevalier, who had been raped and put on trial for having an abortion.
This historic trial, known as the Bobigny trial, highlighted the absurdity of French legislation at the time. Voluntary interruption of pregnancy was still illegal. Thanks to Gisèle Halimi’s forceful plea and unprecedented media coverage, Marie-Claire was acquitted. This paved the way for the legalization of abortion in 1975 with the Veil law.
In 1971, Gisèle Halimi also signed the “Manifesto of the 343”, alongside personalities such as Marguerite Duras, Catherine Deneuve and Françoise Sagan. It denounced the ban on abortion and the fate of women forced into illegality.
From stage to screen: a poignant story
In 2019, playwright Pauline Bureau adapted this case into a play entitled Hors la loi, performed at the Comédie-Française. Today, this work takes on a new dimension when it is brought to the screen.
Produced by Vendôme Films and Pathé, Hors la loi is a reminder that acquired rights should never be taken for granted. The fight for justice and equality is an ongoing battle.
Virginie Efira, a committed actress in an outstanding role
The role of Gisèle Halimi has already been played by Anouk Grinberg(Le Procès de Bobigny, 2006) and Clotilde Courau(Le Viol, 2017). Virginie Efira will now bring this historic figure to life.
Awarded the César for Best Actress in 2023, the Belgian actress has established herself as one of the most talented actresses of her generation. After having explored the register of judicial films with Justine Triet’s Victoria, she will be back in cinemas in 2025 with Hors la loi. She will also be seen in Vie privée, by Rebecca Zlotowski, and Les Braises, by Thomas Kruithof.
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