Art in the street: the world of posters at the Musée d’Orsay

The Musée d’Orsay presents a new exhibition, “L’art est dans la rue”, exploring the impact of posters on Parisian public spaces in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

An exceptional exhibition in and around Paris

From March 18 to July 6, 2025, this exhibition at the Musée d’Orsay brings together nearly 300 works from the collection of the Bibliothèque nationale de France. This initiative is a first for Paris on this scale, highlighting the rise of posters as an artistic and social expression. Through masters such as Bonnard, Chéret and Mucha, the exhibition plunges visitors into an era when the street became a veritable art gallery.

Posters reflect urban transformation

The posters on display bear witness to the evolution of modern society, marked by the emergence of major boulevards and the boom in urban leisure activities. Whether advertising for shows, avant-garde paintings or political demonstrations, these works illustrate an era when art invited itself into the public space and transformed the visual landscape of the city. The artists’ creations transcend mere advertising to become cultural icons, shaping the collective imagination.

An avant-garde at the service of the street

Posters at the turn of the 20th century reflect a major change: art is leaving museums to invade walls. This public use of art was democratized thanks to technical advances enabling large-scale printing. The exhibition also highlights the role of posters in the emancipation of ideas, particularly in anarchist and libertarian circles.

Also read: Women artists at the Jean-Jacques Henner Museum

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