Catherine André pays tribute to artist Saul Leiter in her new knitwear collection

Just as Saul Leiter captured the beauty of urban scenes with a unique sensibility, Catherine André creates garments that transport the wearer into an equally dreamy and inspiring universe. This year, the designer drew her inspiration from this peerless artist.

Saul Leiter: the art of fuzzy, poetic photography

Catherine André

American photographer and painter Saul Leiter is renowned for his blurred, poetic works. He brilliantly captured urban scenes with a unique sensibility. He was one of the pioneers of color photography. At a time when black and white was still dominant in the art world. Leiter set himself apart. He adopted a highly personal approach to photography, often marked by abstract, poetic compositions.

One of Saul Leiter’s hallmarks was the way he worked with imperfection. He liked to play with blur. Particularly that caused by rain, reflections in windows and drops on lenses. These elements transformed everyday scenes into almost impressionistic tableaux, creating a hazy, melancholy atmosphere. His pictures, taken mainly on the streets of New York, plunge us into an intimate, mysterious atmosphere. The beauty lies in the details hidden by mist or diffused light.

Leiter’s style did not seek absolute sharpness, but rather to capture the ephemerality and fragility of the moment. His work, long overlooked, received a belated but well-deserved recognition. Today, he is considered a benchmark of contemporary photography.

Catherine André: a modern reinterpretation of Saul Leiter’s style

Catherine André

Knitwear designer Catherine André drew inspiration for her collections from the poetic world of Saul Leiter. Like Leiter, who played with reflections and blur to tell visual stories, André translates this aesthetic into her textiles. His knitwear creations are a tribute to this delicate vision of art. Shapes and colors blend subtly, creating an almost painterly effect.

Catherine André’s collections capture the same soft, blurred mood as Leiter’s photographs, with diffuse hues and abstract patterns that evoke the reflections of light on wet surfaces. Through her clothes, she reinterprets blur and layering, paying homage to this artist by creating pieces that are both modern and imbued with this visual nostalgia.

Visit the brand’s various boutiques:

  • 26 Galerie Vivienne, 75002 Paris – +33 (0)142613160
  • 19 rue du Cherche Midi, 75006 Paris – +33 (0)142840722
  • 134 rue de la Pompe, 75116 Paris – +33 (0)182831632
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