Magic at the Grand Rex: plunge into the universe of infinite

The Grand Rexthe emblem of Parisian cinema, is preparing to host a fascinating new event. Infinite, an extraordinary show that redefines the cinematic experience by projecting it into an unparalleled immersive and sensory dimension.

A monumental visual experience

Stanislas Gros

From October 5, 2023 to January 14, 2024, cinema fans and thrill-seekers are invited to discover this unique project. The Grand Rex, already renowned for its gigantic screen, will be adorned with breathtaking audiovisual technologies to bring to life Infinite. This is no mere film projection. It’s a truly immersive experience, both visually and aurally. Plunging viewers into a universe where the boundaries between reality and imagination disappear.

Stunning scenery and innovative visual effects promise a totally immersive experience. Where every detail seems more real than life. Infinite is a sensory journey, a waking dream in which you cross different worlds with a rare intensity.

When the Grand Rex becomes an infinite world


Built in 1932, Le Grand Rex is much more than a cinema. It’s a Parisian cultural landmark, bearing witness to decades of evolution in projection and entertainment. With Infinite, this institution takes another step into the future. 3D projections, lighting effects, ultra-realistic sounds and special effects create a magical atmosphere, where the audience becomes an actor in the action.

For whom?

Whether you’re a cinema enthusiast, a lover of sensory experiences or simply looking for an unforgettable outing in Paris, Infinite at the Grand Rex will dazzle you. It’s also the perfect opportunity for families, couples or groups of friends to share an exceptional moment. The show will captivate young and old alike, thanks to its accessibility and spectacular aspect.

Book your experience

Infinite is an event not to be missed this autumn and winter in Paris. To experience this total immersion in the world of show business, book your tickets now!

Take advantage of this unique opportunity to discover or rediscover the Grand Rex in a new light, with an exceptional staging that combines magic, technology and art.

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