A day at the Wellness Galerie to boost your energy

Attention beautystas and other revolutionary skincare enthusiasts! Visit Galeries Lafayette Paris Haussmann. A 3000m2 wellness area, dedicated to new-generation well-being…

Since its creation in 1894, Galeries Lafayette Haussmann has never stopped reinventing itself to adapt to changing consumer trends and offer the best of what’s hot. Well-being is becoming increasingly important for everyone… It is in line with this idea that Galeries Lafayette Haussmann has launched its “wellness revolution”. wellness revolution “. They have imagined the very first space in Europe entirely dedicated to well-being: the Wellness Galerie.

With a surface area of 3,000 m2, it nestles in the heart of the main “Coupole” store, on the lower first floor. Inspired by the round, enveloping design of the 70s, this magnificent showcase invites you to disconnect, offering a holistic and original approach to well-being to reconcile body and mind. This living space brings together the best French and international specialists in the fields of well-being, beauty, skincare, energy and sport.

A regenerating treatment at the Wellness Galerie with Martine de Richeville

Wellness Galerie

Deeply rooted in Chinese medicine and with a wide range of massage skills, Martine de Richeville created her own method in 1998. This innovative approach aims to unite and stimulate the body as well as the mind. It proactively acts on blood circulation, skin tissue, fascia and organs. The Jet Lag Remodeling treatment lasts 45 minutes. Its aim is to realign the body with its environment after a change of time zone. Martine recognizes the significant impact of jet lag on the body. Fatigue, back tension, water retention – all these signals indicate the need for self-care. This complete, revitalizing treatment soothes existing tensions, drains the upper and lower limbs, and reactivates intestinal transit.

La Wellness Galerie – 40 Bd Haussmann, 75009 Paris

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