The reopening of Notre-Dame de Paris: A long-awaited comeback

After nearly five years of construction work, Notre-Dame de Paris is set to reopen its doors to the public in December 2024. This event, eagerly awaited by Parisians and visitors from all over the world, will be marked by religious ceremonies and festivities throughout the jubilee year.

The official reopening of Notre-Dame is set for December 7, 2024, when the State, owner of the monument, will symbolically hand the cathedral over to the Catholic Church. On that day, the cathedral will vibrate to the sound of the newly restored organ, followed by a solemn liturgical celebration. The following day, December 8, the first mass will be held in this emblematic location, also marking the feast of the Immaculate Conception, a crucial moment for believers. This mass will also be the occasion to consecrate the new altar of the restored cathedral.

Notre-Dame de Paris celebrates until 2025

The reopening will not be a one-off event, but will be spread over several months, until June 8, 2025, with continuous celebrations. From December 8 to 15, a religious “octave” will punctuate each day with special Masses and themes, bringing the faithful and visitors together to celebrate the renewal of this historic monument. This will also be a time for pilgrimages, enabling parishes in Paris and beyond to reconnect with this major spiritual site.

To mark the reopening, a grand procession will precede the festivities, welcoming the statue of the Virgin and Child, saved from the flames, back to its rightful place in the cathedral. The artisans, architects and restorers who worked on this titanic project will also be honored during the event.

A historic event for Paris and the hearts of Parisians

The reopening of Notre-Dame in December 2024 will be much more than a simple return to worship. It symbolizes the resilience and passion of Parisians and all the teams who have worked tirelessly since the fire in 2019. This moment will mark a new era for this iconic Paris building, which continues to attract millions of visitors every year. To prepare for your visit, discover the planned itinerary around the cathedral on the official Notre-Dame de Paris website.

This long-awaited return will further strengthen the bond between the cathedral and Parisians, who will rediscover this Gothic jewel in all its splendor, in the shadow of its famous spire that dominates the capital.

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