L’Auberge Nicolas Flamel: a culinary journey through history

Nestled in the heart of Paris, in the capital’s oldest house, the Auberge Nicolas Flamel blends history and gastronomy with a contemporary touch. This legendary establishment, run by Michelin-starred chef Alan Geaam, pays homage to traditional French cuisine. While integrating a refined modernity.

The ambiance of this restaurant reflects the rich history of the site. Built in 1407, the house retains its stonework and exposed beams, while being enhanced by contemporary decorative elements. This balance between tradition and modernity is also evident on the plate. Each dish pays homage to the great French classics while adding a touch of innovation.

A kitchen that tells a story

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For Alan Geaam, each dish tells a story, the story of French culinary heritage. In collaboration with his team, including executive chef Émile de France and pastry chef Jordan Papineau, he creates evolving menus that highlight the seasonal nature of produce and showcase local producers.

The Auberge offers a menu that respects its gastronomic heritage, while incorporating contemporary elements. The choice of ingredients, always guided by a responsible approach, reflects French terroir and natural cycles. Each dish is an ode to nature, a tribute to the producers who bring this cuisine to life.

A place for transmission and innovation

L’Auberge Nicolas Flamel is also a place of transmission, where Alan Geaam gives young talents the opportunity to express themselves. The chef makes a point of mentoring this new generation of chefs, teaching them to reinterpret French classics while respecting their essence.

In this sense, the restaurant is more than just a gastronomic venue. It is a bridge between eras, a connection between a glorious past and a promising future for French cuisine.

A place steeped in history

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Nicolas Flamel’s house, as well as being the oldest in Paris, is steeped in legend and mystery. Legend has it that this 14th-century alchemist discovered the Philosopher’s Stone. Today, this heritage is enhanced by the unique atmosphere of the inn, where guests are invited to enjoy a culinary and historical experience.

The Auberge Nicolas Flamel is without doubt a must for all lovers of French gastronomy who want to immerse themselves in history while enjoying exceptional dishes. An address to discover at 51 rue de Montmorency, in the heart of Paris.

L’Auberge Nicolas Flamel – 51 rue de Montmorency, 75003 Paris

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