Brooklyn Fitboxing: the best gym for boxing

Over the past 10 years, Brooklyn Fitboxing has established itself as Europe’s leading gym, offering a unique experience that combines boxing, fitness and solidarity. Paris Select tells you all about it!

With a presence in over 10 countries and more than 200 clubs worldwide, Brooklyn Fitboxing is revolutionizing the world of fitness. At the heart of this gym, sessions are designed to be dynamic and effective. Participants perform non-contact boxing moves combined with functional training exercises on sensor-equipped connected bags, to the beat of the music. Each session lasts 47 minutes and accommodates between 20 and 24 people. All supervised by a professional coach!

Brooklyn Fitboxing

This approachoptimizes muscle toning and fat loss. And the team atmosphere keeps you motivated! What’s more, classes are synchronized worldwide. This gives members the opportunity to practice wherever they are. The community spirit is also reinforced by regular events such as Fridays Beers, and the Fitboxing World Games in Madrid. There, the best international teams meet for a weekend of competition and fellowship.

Brooklyn Fitboxing: a commitment to solidarity and well-being

Brooklyn Fitboxing doesn’t just offer a sporting experience. It is also committed to charitable causes. Through its app, participants can track their performance and progress. They can also book their sessions. More importantly, every point accumulated during a session is converted into funds for charity via the Hit4change foundation. Fitboxers can choose to support causes such as Maison de l’Enfance, Maison de l’Océan, Maison de la Santé or Maison de la Forêt.

Brooklyn Fitboxing
Brooklyn Fitboxing

Last year, this initiative enabled over €340,000 to be donated to charities. With 2 clubs already established in Paris, at the foot of the Arc de Triomphe and at Convention, Brooklyn Fitboxing continues its expansion with the future opening of new gyms in Porte de Pantin and Boulogne-Billancourt on August 27. When you choose Brooklyn Fitboxing, you’re not only improving your fitness, you’re also contributing to some truly important causes. So, if you’re looking for a Parisian gym that will get you moving while making a difference… Brooklyn Fitboxing is the place to be.

Brooklyn Fitboxing Arc de triomphe – 16 Av. Hoche, 75008 Paris

Brooklyn Fitboxing Convention – 218 Rue de la Convention, 75015 Paris

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