Octane: the wellness center that boosts with cryotherapy

Where can I get cryotherapy in Paris? Opening in October 2023, Octane is a one-of-a-kind center. Occupying an area of 150 m², this studio is designed to offer a pleasant and discreet experience to its guests.

Octane stands out as the first center in France to offer such a complete range of wellness and beauty services under one roof. Here, cutting-edge technologies combine to optimize health, recovery and energy. Whether to reduce inflammation, improve sleep, boost energy or combat the signs of aging… Octane offers solutions to suit every need.

Octane cryotherapy

Its concept is based on the principle of regenerative well-being. Today, a return to the body has become essential. So this center offers a holistic approach, integrating biohacking to unleash the latent potential of each individual. So Octane does more than just promote physical health. It also aims to improve sports performance and provide solutions for chronic pain. Here, customers can adopt new wellness rituals. The goal? Transcend their limits and find harmony between body and mind.

Cryotherapy at Octane: cold for well-being

Octane cryotherapy

Among the many innovations offered by Octane, whole-body cryotherapy stands out for its remarkable benefits. This therapy involves exposing the body to extreme temperatures, ranging from -110 to -140°C, in a specially designed cryo chamber. When you enter this chamber, your body triggers a natural defense reaction to the intense cold.

This physiological response leads to increased levels of oxygen and certain beneficial proteins, thereby reducing inflammation. Once the session is over and the body has returned to a normal temperature, blood flow is restored, promoting better tissue oxygenation. The benefits of cryotherapy are manifold.

It relieves body aches and stress. It also offers a feeling of well-being and improves physical recovery after intense effort. Cryotherapy also boosts energy for the rest of the day. What’s more, cryotherapy can improve mood and sleep quality. It’s a natural alternative to stimulants like coffee!

Of course, Octane also offers other wellness services such as infrared sauna, Pressotherapy, Hydrafacial™ and Red Light therapy. Innovative and effective services to meet your health and beauty needs. Whether it’s a cryotherapy session or a regenerative wellness routine, Octane promises a profound physical and mental transformation.

Octane – 7 Rue La Fayette, 75009 Paris

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