The Nolinski Paris offers a new wellness experience: the Harawell Method

La Méthode Harawell, already in residence at Brach Paris for over a year, has now moved to Nolinski Paris. We tell you all about this innovative experience, designed by Céline Benche and recommended by Paris Select!

In the heart of the Opéra district, Nolinski Paris offers an exceptional holistic and contemporary experience. Developed by Céline Benche, the Harawell Method is a veritable nugget for restoring harmony between body and mind, relieving the burden of stress and releasing energy. This method does more than just tone up. It acts on the precious ” Hara “. This Japanese term means the lower abdomenrepresents our body’s energy center. The very source of our vitality and well-being!

When we’re tired or stressed, our ” Hara ” weakens. But the good news is that we can reconnect to it! The Harawell Method has clear and essential objectives. To refocus our being, to release all the tensions that beset us, to untie the ailments and blockages that hinder our fulfillment, to provide us with the keys to better living and, finally, to regain our inner balance.

The Harawell Method at Nolinski Paris: a gentle and effective solution

Nolinski Paris Harawell

For 20 years, Céline Benche led a hectic life as International Sales Director at LVMH. However, she soon realized that she needed to find answers to better manage her stress and emotions in the workplace. Her research eventually led her to Prof. Dr. Christian Roche. He is the creator of the Ortho Energy Method, a method for releasing energy through targeted stimulation points. Thanks to Dr. Roche, she understood how essential inner balance was. A foundation on which all our well-being, our vital energy and the world around us rest. The creation of the 4 steps of the Harawell Method was an obvious choice for Céline Benche. A way of finding or re-establishing inner balance.

  • The consultation : A time for in-depth exploration of our lifestyle habits, an assessment of our general condition and tailored recommendations that will lead to a personalized program.
  • Re-connecting movements : reactivate the Hara, our vital energy center, by practicing specific movements.
  • Energy rebalancing : This session is the heart of the Harawell Method. The OEM “Source Protocol” (Ortho Energy Method created by Dr. Christian Roche) is based on the body’s energetic geography, and works by precisely stimulating points and skin zones to release physical & emotional blockages and improve energy circulation.
  • Harawell massage : Deep stimulation of key areas to release tension and reconnect with yourself.
Nolinski Paris Harawell
Nolinski Paris Harawell
Nolinski Paris Harawell

“I’ve explored a multitude of methods, therapies, courses and retreats… I’ve been searching, experimenting and training for over 15 years, always on the lookout for something new. I advanced step by step, but never managed to find THE effective, rapid and lasting solution I needed to feel good and in harmony”. (Céline Benche)

These stages are complementary and inseparable, increasing their effects tenfold. The results are immediate and long-lasting: greater overall harmony, vitality, calm and lightness. In its 4-hour version, the Harawell urban retreat is a gas pedal of well-being and overall health. But if the schedule doesn’t allow it, it can also be adapted to multiple sessions.

Nolinski Paris – 16 Av. de l’Opéra, 75001 Paris

Information and booking: [email protected] – Tel. : 06 08 42 72 85

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