Hollywood Savoy gets a facelift to become a showcase of unrivalled elegance

It’s a renaissance! In the heart of the bustling Bourse district, Hollywood Savoy is reborn under the leadership of the Fitz Group.

In the 80s, Hollywood Savoy was the place to party in Paris. The epicenter of social events! Located at 44 rue Notre-Dame des Victoires, just to the east of the capital’s former Stock Exchange, this restaurant has hosted the most prestigious meetings of Parisian stars. To breathe new life into the Hollywood Savoy, the Fitz Group, headed by Guillaume Benard, entrusted the keys to the restaurant to French-Belgian interior designer Sophie Lacroix, with a view to modernizing and revitalizing the establishment.

And the result is breathtaking! A sumptuous décor blending Art Deco with contemporary touches makes this venue both glamorous and timeless. “When I visited, the Hollywood Savoy was still buzzing with the energy of the recent festivities. I immediately understood the attachment of the regulars and their desire to bring a modern vision to the place,” reveals Sophie Lacroix.

Artistic Director Pierre Hajizadeh designed the venue’s graphic identity. Several manufacturers and craftsmen also contributed to the project. Ocre Gris for the paints, Codimat for the carpets, BM Production for the custom furniture, and Créalumin for the lamps.

Hollywood Savoy: the golden age of Hollywood

Hollywood Savoy

The entrance, covered in high tobacco velvet drapes, will immerse you in a hushed, exotic atmosphere. The elegant woodwork on the walls and the large bronze bar in the main hall create a refined atmosphere. Trendy leopard carpeting complements the furniture in a tropical spirit.

In the basement, an intimate bar is revealed. It recalls the Prohibition era with a more electric identity. Moiré drapes add a retro touch, evoking the salons of the 1940s. “It was very important to retain some of the key details of the original restaurant and modernize them while bringing in light,” explains Sophie Lacroix.

Hollywood Savoy

Hollywood Savoy has also opted for a more modern kitchen. The Fitz Group’s new executive chef, Gregory Cohen, has created a menu that celebrates simple pleasures and authentic flavors. For dinner, the menu ventures beyond the tropics with creative and tasty dishes. A range of finger foods is also available. Truffle pizzetta, lobster roll, shrimp tempura, pastrami croque…

And salads are not to be outdone, with options as varied as Caesar, spinach with poached eggs or king crab. Pasta lovers will also be delighted with preparations featuring lobster, truffle or parmesan cheese. You can also indulge in Kasnodar caviar, excellent meats such as beef tartare and Chateaubriand, and exquisite fish such as salt-crusted sea bass, sea bream in sakura leaves, and tuna tataki. So what are you waiting for to discover Hollywood Savoy?

Hollywood Savoy – 44 Rue Notre Dame des Victoires, 75002 Paris

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