Maison Lucas Carton: the ideal gourmet restaurant for a dinner with the girls

For 150 years, Maison Lucas Carton has been enhancing the culinary imagination of the Parisian scene. Paris Select reveals all the secrets of this remarkable gastronomic institution.

Formerly known as Taverne de France, then renamed LucasMaison Lucas Carton has quickly become a landmark of Parisian gastronomy. Located opposite the Eglise de la Madeleine, this institution opens its doors onto a sumptuous Art Nouveau setting, listed as a Monument Historique cultural heritage site.

Entirely designed and decorated by the artist Majorelle, Lucas Carton is one of the oldest gastronomic addresses in Paris, dating back to 1900! Maple, Ceylon lemon and pear woodwork offer a unique color palette that celebrates nature as well as femininity. On white tablecloths, contemporary purity is evident in delicate tableware and subtle culinary presentations.

Lucas Carton House

Art also plays a key role in the history of Lucas Carton. It embodies both its heritage and its essence. In keeping with this tradition, the House incorporates carefully selected works of art. They enrich the space with an aesthetic and cultural dimension. This fusion of art and gastronomy creates a complete sensory experience for guests.

Hugo Bourny honors Maison Lucas Carton

Lucas Carton House

For 4 seasons now, Chef Hugo Bourny has embodied the cuisine of Maison Lucas Carton. In a generation of charismatic chefs, Bourny stands out for his subtle assurance, avoiding flashy demonstrations. This approach naturally gives it undisputed status within the company. Hugo Bourny was trained by some of the greatest, including Arnaud Donckele, Anne-Sophie Pic and Hélène Darroze … These mentors taught him rigor, excellence and the quest for the perfect balance of flavors. His culinary creations are marked by a rich and imaginative plant world, offering ever more memorable taste experiences.

The perfect menu for a girls’ dinner party

On the à la carte menu, each dish tells a story and evokes unique sensations from the very first bite. Among the starters, discover green asparagus from the Val d’Oise accompanied by a young spruce shoot ice cream. The langoustine de casier, accompanied by variations of kabu and boule d’or turnips, is a striking taste experience. The 120-day Perche poultry with myrtle continues this culinary ascent. She demonstrates an impeccable mastery of flavours and textures.

Pastry Chef Sylvain Goujon, who shares Hugo Bourny’s passion for produce, creates desserts that round off this gastronomic journey with brio. Corsican pink grapefruit, served with Sencha tea-infused ice cream, impresses with its mastery and finesse. Likewise, the Andoa chocolate dessert is a true tribute to haute patisserie! Maison Lucas Carton, under the direction of Hugo Bourny, continues to be a beacon of Parisian gastronomy, combining tradition and innovation with unrivalled elegance.

Maison Lucas Carton – 9 Pl. de la Madeleine, 75008 Paris

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