7 restaurants to discover world cuisine

Embark on a culinary journey around the world in the heart of Paris! The capital is full of restaurants specializing in world cuisines. From Asian flavors to Indian delights, these Parisian treasures promise an unforgettable sensory journey.

To discover Asian dishes, Chez Thaï

Chez Thaï has built a solid reputation among local customers and has become an essential place for business lunches. This restaurant offers a true taste journey through fragrant, colorful and authentic cuisines, which awaken our senses and delight our taste buds.

The essence of Chez Thaï is primarily based on a Thai gastronomic heritage, but its recipes are skillfully inspired by various Southeast Asian influences. Particularly those of Vietnam, Hong Kong, or certain regions of China. A delight for the taste buds!

Chez Thaï – 4 Rue de l’Église, 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine

For a discovery of Israeli cuisine, Kapara

restaurants cuisine du monde

La mémoire de Kapara est imprégnée de danses endiablées, de rires joyeux, de plats ensoleillés, ainsi que d’histoires partagées sur les banquettes moelleuses. Sous le soleil de Kapara, les assiettes se partagent, comme des cocktails, des confessions nocturnes, des sourires,… Une douce philosophie orchestrée par le chef Assaf Granit. Lui qui avait déjà déployé tout son talent au coeur du restaurant Boubalé, dans le Marais. Le menu vous offre une expérience gastronomique riche en saveurs, plongeant dans la cuisine levantine et puisant son inspiration dans la culture culinaire séfarade.

The memory of Kapara is imbued with wild dances, joyful laughter, sunny dishes, as well as stories shared on soft benches.Under the sun of Kapara, plates are shared, like cocktails, nocturnal confessions, smiles,… A gentle philosophy orchestrated by chef Assaf Granit. He who had already deployed all his talent in the heart of the Boubalé restaurant, in the Marais. The menu offers you a gastronomic experience rich in flavors, delving into Levantine cuisine and drawing inspiration from Sephardic culinary culture.

Kapara – 9 Rue d’Alger, 75001 Paris07 67 40 56 29

To taste Spanish specialties, La Chambre Bleue

restaurants cuisine du monde

L’emblématique Delano, lancé à Miami en 1995, renaît à Paris avec la toute première Maison Delano Paris. Situé au 4 rue d’Anjou, dans un ancien hôtel particulier du XVIIIe siècle. L’hôtel dispose d’un restaurant franco-andalou animé doté d’une vaste terrasse dans la cour historique. Ainsi que d’un magnifique bar à cocktails. Entourant la vaste cour muée en terrasse, un nouveau concept de restaurant créé par le chef trois étoiles Michelin Dani García. Baptisé La Chambre Bleue en référence à une œuvre de Pablo Picasso. Le restaurant propose aux hôtes un voyage en Méditerranée à travers poissons, fruits de mer, et autres spécialités ibériques sophistiquées.

The iconic Delano, launched in Miami in 1995, is reborn in Paris with the very first Maison Delano Paris. Located at 4 rue d’Anjou, in a former 18th century private mansion. The hotel has a lively French-Andalusian restaurant with a large terrace in the historic courtyard. As well as a magnificent cocktail bar. Surrounding the vast courtyard transformed into a terrace, a new restaurant concept created by three Michelin star chef Dani García. Named La Chambre Bleue in reference to a work by Pablo Picasso.The restaurant offers guests a journey to the Mediterranean through fish, seafood, and other sophisticated Iberian specialties.

La Chambre Bleue à La Maison Delano – 4 Rue d’Anjou, 75008 Paris

Travel to Indonesia with Djakarta-Bali

restaurants cuisine du monde

Ready to enjoy an exotic culinary experience without leaving Paris? Let yourself be carried away by the enchantment of Jakarta Bali. This family institution delights all Indonesian enthusiasts as well as lovers of gastronomic explorations. Since 1984, this true treasure has transported you to the heart of the archipelago of a thousand spices.

Immerse yourself in the Balinese atmosphere to celebrate your Valentine’s Day evening, in the heart of Paris, and celebrate love in a completely unique way. On the menu, let yourself be transported by the lumpia or the sate ayam. Typical Balinese dishes that will take you on a journey in one bite.

Djakarta Bali – 9 Rue Vauvilliers, 75001 Paris

Discover Chinese cuisine at Taokan

restaurants Nouvel An Chinois

Chez Taokan, vous partirez à la découverte de la gastronomie chinoise contemporaine. Dans un cadre chic au décor raffiné et très élégant, on y déguste des spécialités locales dont les fameux Dim Sum, réalisé sous les yeux des convives. Des plats préparés à partir des meilleurs ingrédients, frais et originaux. Coup de cœur ultime pour les crabes mous sautés sel et poivre… Avec son cadre chic, son atmosphère feutrée et son accueil souriant, l’esprit de Taokan comblera même les plus exigeants. Soirée inouabliable assurée !

At Taokan, you will discover contemporary Chinese gastronomy. In a chic setting with a refined and very elegant decor, you can enjoy local specialties including the famous Dim Sum, made before the eyes of the guests. Dishes prepared from the best, fresh and original ingredients.Ultimate favorite for the soft crabs sautéed in salt and pepper… With its chic setting, its cozy atmosphere and its friendly welcome, the spirit of Taokan will satisfy even the most demanding. An unforgettable evening guaranteed!

Taokan Saint Germain des Prés, 8 rue du Sabot 75006 Paris. 01 42 84 18 36.

For a getaway to India, head to Delhi Bazaar

In a setting inspired by the city of Delhi, chef Eqbal Hossain, aka the king of spices, introduces us to his modern and authentic Indian cuisine.It was in May 2023 that the restaurant opened its doors, with the intention of revolutionizing Indian dining in the capital.At the origin of this project: Bastien and Alexis, two French fans of Indian culture. They have set themselves the goal of honoring true traditions while offering a chic and trendy concept.In short, the Delhi Bazaar restaurant is much more than a place to eat. It’s a sensory getaway to the heart of India.Lovers or novices of Indian cuisine, prepare yourself for a taste adventure that will be difficult to forget…

Delhi Bazaar, 71 rue Servan, 75011 Paris 

For a discovery of Japanese cuisine, Little Miss Geisha


Located in the chic district of Saint-Germain-des-Prés, Little Miss Geisha takes its guests on a captivating culinary journey through the flavors and traditions of Japan.The beating heart of Little Miss Geisha lies in its exceptional cuisine, which reveals meticulous know-how to offer dishes that are as delicious as they are visually stunning.

The menu offers a variety of dishes that reflect Japanese tradition.Chirashi, Pot-au-feu and Misotto, are the dishes traditionally eaten in Japanese homes.O Toro, Futomaki and Ceviche are “party dishes”, which feature exquisite pieces of fresh fish.

Little Miss Geisha – 13, rue de Médicis, 75006

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